NetLogo - Abstract Painter

check the code 


to setup
;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
;; of the procedure.)
__clear-all-and-reset-ticks ;stand for clear all and it is the compact syntax of clear-all
;here we will prepare the ingredients
create-turtles 100
; crt 1 this is a compact syntax
ask turtles [
;at thi part we can give specify characteristics of the turtles
setxy 0 0
set heading 0
set size 1
;set shape "circle"
set color random 40
to go
;ready steady cook
let angled 10
let i 0
ask turtles [
fd step
repeat 100 [
right angled + random 10

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